Monday, July 1, 2019

Pleasant Places

My son prayed for me today, over the phone, from 2,000 miles away. The words he used as
he petitioned God for me were no coincidence. He prayed for my comfort, direction, healing,
and that God would provide me a “pleasant place.” How did he know?

It was 2007 and after several years in difficult jobs and difficult family situations, we were in
the process of relocating to a different state. My husband, Carl, wanted to find a house in close proximity to his new job because he had spent several years with a long commute.
This limited our choice of houses as there were not many for sale that were within a radius
of a few miles of his new place of employment, in our price range, and would accommodate
the needs of our family. Additionally, we were under a time constraint with just a few days
allocated in our schedule in which to find a home. We had made the trip from Florida to Ohio
for the purpose of purchasing a home but had to return to finish out the school year at our
current places of employment. We looked at all of the available properties within a couple of
days, none of which were satisfactory for one reason or another. We had almost given up
hope of finding a house before we had to return to Florida to complete our contracts and
pack up our belongings. 

There was one more property that Carl had seen online but that was significantly out of our
 price range. After conferring with our realtor, who happened to be the listing agent for that
property, we decided to look at the home. From the moment we drove up the long lane
leading to the house, I knew this was a property that I could only dream of owning. When
we walked in the front door, it was as if I had come home. I walked through room after
room in amazement. It had multiple bedrooms (plenty to accommodate my children,
as well as, guests), rich woodwork throughout, a small front porch, a large back porch,
high ceilings, unique features, windows beyond number, and plenty of space outside with
wide lawns and borders of trees. It breathtakingly suited my heart's desires. The price,
however, was $40,000 out of our range. 

What unfolded was beyond my imagination. The folks who had built the house on this four
acre piece of property were in financial difficulty and had been trying to sell the home for
six years off and on. I believe they experienced a great deal of conflict in their decision to
sell because their hearts and souls were in that place. They had not been willing to
negotiate on their price with previous prospective buyers. Evidently, they were pleased to
think that a couple in Christian ministry who had adopted three children wanted to buy their
home. Unbelievably, they lowered their price by that $40,000 margin so that we could
purchase the property. We not only had a home close to Carl's work with space for our
family's unique needs, but also one which satisfied the aesthetic dreams of my heart.

I distinctly remember the day that I drove up that lane again, this time as the homeowner. It
was with profound gratitude and a little bit of awe. I can still hear the crunch of the tires on
gravel and feel the rush of pleasure as I neared the house knowing that I would be its
denizen. And I remember the voice of God in my ear saying, "This is my gift to you for a
little while. You will not be here forever." It was a deep knowledge that made each day
precious, days in which I took nothing for granted. And that home became a haven, not
just for our family, but for many others, as well. It was a place of welcome, comfort, and
peace. There was something spiritual about it, a holy place. Words from Psalm 16,
verse 6, became the descriptor of this sanctuary. “The boundary lines have fallen for me in
pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance.” In fact, I had hoped to have a
sign one day to put at the end of the lane inscribed with the words, “Pleasant Place,” a
name for this heart home. 

True to God’s word spoken clearly to my inner ear, the gift of that home was not forever.
In fact, in only six short years it was time to pass it on to someone else, not without a
flood of tears. Indeed, what transpired in 2013 was the beginning of a journey of sorrow
and loss that has taken us thousands of miles emotionally and geographically. Six years
ago, we were becoming firmly committed in the Anglican church (ACNA) while at the
same time, Carl's employer was becoming firmly committed to a direction of greater
exclusivity and was systematically and effectively removing all professors who did not
have tenure, namely the individuals who had been hired to help move the university toward a
broader, more generous trajectory theologically, while maintaining faithful Christian orthodoxy.
There had been a severe backlash against this movement toward a more hospitable and
gracious ethos, and all the professors who had been hired since 2007 were on the chopping
block. The ax had begun to fall a couple of years before with the removal of a Canadian
professor over his careful and credible scholarship. The workplace had become hostile, and
the security of ten families was at stake, along with the integrity and reputation of the
university among students. A concerted takeover by, in particular, conservative Southern
Baptists was accomplished. We lost economic security, our home, our friends, as
colleagues scattered across the country seeking new places of employment, and in effect,
Carl's career path.

We spent a year and a half in a temporary situation, with part of that time going through the
illness and death of Carl's mother in Maine. When he finally was able to get a new position
and we moved to Savannah, GA, it soon became apparent that his new employer was
going to be equally hostile, just in a different way. After four years serving students in that
institution, Carl's position was eliminated without warning, and we immediately had to sell
our home again. That was nine months ago. Since then, we have been traveling back and
forth across the country, being housed by our children. The search for new employment
has so far been unsuccessful. 

This situation has taken its toll over the past nine months, particularly since it is round two
of what has become our new normal. There is a continued feeling of victimization because
what has befallen us has resulted in economic and geographic instability. No stable income,
no home, no clear plan for life. We have become "poor," stripped of the accoutrements of a
successful life. No more tangible inheritance, no pleasant place. We have been stripped,
emptied, not only of our past with its position, material possessions, even our dog, but
also of the future we envisioned. But... we do have a high priest who is able to sympathize,
having tasted every human condition--
...a root out of dry ground… of sorrows and acquainted with grief....
...stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted…
They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him.
...emptied himself by taking the form of a servant…
...being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point
of death…

Yesterday, I sat in worship surrounded by the smell of incense, the sound of singing, the
readings...the readings. The Psalm for the day was 16. I nearly choked on tears when
verse 6 was read--”The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a
beautiful inheritance.” So many times in the past several months I have wondered if my
boundary lines will ever again be in a pleasant place. My heart knows what that means,
what that looks like, feels like. It is a deep longing that I have surrendered to God during
this time of desert wandering. And here it was in my face, at first a taunt. Then this buried understanding, a core knowledge bloomed inside me. Love Loving, the Divine Presence,
the Holy Trinity, God Himself is my pleasant place, my beautiful inheritance. My soul was
awash with gratitude, with peace.

Some people might say that I manipulate my perspective or trick myself into thinking
about life's circumstances in a way that makes me feel better, and I could never prove
otherwise, but I know in my deepest self that God is at work in all of life and in my life. I
know that I hear God speak. This is not so outrageous a thought, for even Jesus said,
"My sheep hear my voice..." I do believe that hearing God's voice requires being tuned
in to a certain frequency. I don't know how to explain that or to help people access it,
but I do believe that God is present and speaking to anyone who is listening for his voice
or watching for his hand. I think this has a lot to do with Jesus' admonition to be awake,
be alert. Though God's love is everywhere manifest and available to all, the Divine
Presence doesn't seem to invade without invitation, without a heart that desires to be
touched. This idea might seem excessively subjective, but I believe cultivation of an
intimate connection with Divinity, an abiding in the Trinitarian flow of Love, a
relationship of communion, of oneness, is possible. This notion is validated and
supported by Church fathers and mothers throughout the centuries. Saint Patrick,
Saint Teresa of Avila, Julian of Norwich, St. Ignatius of Loyola, Thomas Merton,
among many others, would attest to the reality of union with God in Jesus Christ
through the power of the Holy Spirit. The Westminster Catechism answers the question
of the chief end of man with the response, “to glorify God and enjoy him forever.” I’m
not casting aspersions on that significant document, but I believe a more accurate
answer to the question is to know God’s love and return it. When I am abiding in Love, I
hear the voice of the Lover. I know the comfort, the guidance, the joy of the One who cares
for my soul. It doesn’t mean I won’t grieve loss or struggle with injustice or suffer pain. These
things are part of the human condition, a human condition that the Divine entered with the
incarnation of Jesus. It doesn’t mean that I automatically know what job to take, what house
to live in, what to fix for dinner. It means something much more profound. It means that no
matter what my particular situation is, it can be well with my soul. It can be well with my soul
if I know that I am held in the arms of One who walked this path of suffering alone and walks
it now with me. 

Will I ever have a piece of property, a home to live in that matches my idea of a “pleasant
place”? I don’t know. “Son of man, can these bones live?...Sovereign Lord, you alone
know.” It is in God’s hands. Can I have a heart home, a “pleasant place” for my soul to
dwell? Oh, yes. That is enough. 

1 comment:

  1. Debby -- I hear your heart in this writing. I feel your soul's desires and your longings as well as the deep resolve within your being that it is well with your soul and Jesus is enough.

    I remember the impact of the Seder meal we celebrated with friends on Good Friday not too long ago. The traditional words of the Jewish people written into the celebration, "...He brought us through the sea to stand upon dry land. Yes. it would have been enough, it would have been more than enough, but then He met our every need in the desert -- for forty years He did provide -- He provided food, manna from heaven. He gave us water, and made our clothes to last throughout the length of years. Yes, it would have been enough, but more than this did He provide! He gave us Shabbat for our rest and gave us His Torah. He gave His Law that we might know the fullness of His will and promises how to live as a People set apart for Him alone..." They continue to recount the suffering and the provision and say, "it would have been enough, but even more than this did He provide!"

    I was overwhelmed with gratitude for my own situation as I looked back as you have to recount the blessings of the Lord and know that it would have been enough -- yet He continues to provide even in the simple sustaining grace for the minute, the hour and the day...especially in the uncertainty of the moment. You have become like the wandering Jewish people in this land. I'm confident you will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Take heart my friend. God is enough but know that I love you too!
