Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Old Testament reading in the daily office for this morning is Judges 13: 1- 15. This is the story of how the birth and purpose of Samson was revealed. I thought it quite interesting that the angel of the Lord appeared to the woman (we don't even know her name), the wife of Manoah, and gave the revelation. Even after Manoah prayed for God to reveal instructions on how to raise the child, God sent the answer to the woman. She had to go fetch her husband. I can't help but like that. It seems as though, every so often in the Scripture, God side-steps cultural norms.

Maybe it's sad that I like this so much. Does it reveal a deep longing for validation and recognition? Does this struggle between the genders stem from the fall of the human race?           


  1. I love knowing that we read the same things and pray the same prayers each morning :)
    Kristie Jane
