Some of the most seemingly innocuous experiences sometimes have the most profound impact. I have a tendency to store up memories of moments of failure and, from time to time, feel the sting of regret. Walking in the back yard today, some unknown trigger took me back to a long-gone Saturday afternoon in June where I was dishing out ice cream to a customer at the annual Ice Cream Social of our little country church. Being the "rule-keeping" girl that I was, I carefully measured the scoop into this man's cup. He evidently thought my portion miserly and asked for a little more. I basically ignored his request (had to follow my instructions precisely) and received his angry look in return.
Why has that scene played in my mind sporadically over the past twenty years bringing with it a feeling of great remorse? I don't know all the answers to that question--that would probably take therapy--but as I mused again today over that blip on the time-line of my life, my prayer to God was for Him to continue to change my heart and renew my mind. I pray for Him to continue to root out a spirit that is more concerned with the letter of the law than the hospitality of the divine nature. The memory of that experience is a reminder to engage people with the lavish generosity of the Savior.